Waverly Pharmacy is a small independent pharmacy, serving the communities and outlying areas of Waverly, N.Y, Sayre, PA. and Athens PA. The area is also known as the Penn-York Valley, which connects the Finger Lakes Region of New York with the Endless Mountain Region of Pennsylvania.
Founded in 2005, Waverly Pharmacy is located at 443 Cayuta Avenue in Waverly, N.Y. 14892. The pharmacy is a (Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distibuter) VAWD. This means that you can have total confidence that all medications coming from this facility are from verified production sites and distributors.
Don Sassman is the owner of this pharmacy and he goes above and beyond in supporting the local community and the people his pharmacy serves. In addition to his long-standing employees he regularly hires young people and provides them with first-hand exposure to business, retail sales, and pharmacy organization. Don and his staff are dedicated to providing outstanding service and reliability.